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Signup on Potion

Signup, login and reset password

Kanad Bahalkar avatar
Written by Kanad Bahalkar
Updated over 3 months ago

Sign up on Potion using Gmail

  1. Click the "Signup / Login with Gmail" button

  2. An account selection window will open

  3. Select the Gmail account you'd like to sign up with

  4. (If Gmail needs you to) Type in your Gmail email and password

  5. Once authenticated, Potion will create your account and redirect you to the My Videos page

Sign up on Potion using LinkedIn

  1. Click the "Signup / Login with LinkedIn" button

  2. An account selection window will open

  3. (If LinkedIn needs you to) Type in your LinkedIn email and password

  4. Once authenticated, Potion will create your account and redirect you to the My Videos page

Sign up on Potion using your email address

  1. Click the "Signup using email" button

  2. Type your email address in the "Email" textbox

  3. Type a secure password (8+ characters) the "Password" textbox

  4. Check the "By creating an account you are agreeing to our Terms and Privacy Policy" checkbox

  5. Make sure to review our Terms and Privacy Policy

  6. Click the "Sign up" button

  7. You will receive a confirmation email on the email address you provided

  8. Inside the email, click on "Confirm email address" button to authenticate your account

  9. Once authenticated, Potion will create your account and redirect you to the My Videos page

Login using Gmail

  1. Note: This will work only if you've signed up using Gmail

  2. Click the "Signup / Login with Gmail" button

  3. An account selection window will open

  4. Select the Gmail account you'd like to sign up with

  5. (If Gmail needs you to) Type in your Gmail email and password

  6. Once authenticated, Potion will redirect you to the My Videos page

Login using LinkedIn

  1. Note: This will work only if you've signed up using LinkedIn

  2. Click the "Signup / Login with LinkedIn" button

  3. An account selection window will open

  4. (If LinkedIn needs you to) Type in your LinkedIn email and password

  5. Once authenticated, Potion will redirect you to the My Videos page

Login using your email address

  1. Note: This will work only if you've signed up using your email address

  2. Click the "Login" link

  3. Type your email address in the "Email" textbox

  4. Type a secure password (8+ characters) the "Password" textbox

  5. Click the "Login" button

  6. Once authenticated, Potion will redirect you to the My Videos page

Reset forgotten password

  1. Click the "Login using email" link

  2. Click the "Forgot password?" link

  3. Type your email address in the "Email" textbox

  4. Click the "Get reset instruction" button

  5. You will receive an email with a unique link to reset your password

  6. If you didn't receive the email, please check the Spam folder in your email inbox

  7. Click the "Reset password" link in your email

  8. A new tab will open up where you can change your password

  9. Type a secure password (8+ characters) the "Password" textbox

  10. Type your secure password again the "Confirm password" textbox to confirm it

  11. Click "Reset password" button

  12. Once authenticated, Potion will redirect you to the My Videos page

  13. Note: Reset password feature is not available for accounts signed up using Gmail and LinkedIn

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