Login into Potion

Login using Gmail

Login using LinkedIn

Login using your email address


Login using Gmail

  1. Note: This will work only if you've signed up using Gmail
  2. Visit app.sendpotion.com
  3. Click the "Signup / Login with Gmail" button
  4. An account selection window will open
  5. Select the Gmail account you'd like to sign up with
  6. (If Gmail needs you to) Type in your Gmail email and password
  7. Once authenticated, Potion will redirect you to the My Videos page


Login using LinkedIn

  1. Note: This will work only if you've signed up using LinkedIn
  2. Visit app.sendpotion.com
  3. Click the "Signup / Login with LinkedIn" button
  4. An account selection window will open
  5. (If LinkedIn needs you to) Type in your LinkedIn email and password
  6. Once authenticated, Potion will redirect you to the My Videos page


Login using your email address

  1. Note: This will work only if you've signed up using your email address
  2. Visit app.sendpotion.com
  3. Click the "Login" link
  4. Type your email address in the "Email" textbox
  5. Type a secure password (8+ characters) the "Password" textbox
  6. Click the "Login" button
  7. Once authenticated, Potion will redirect you to the My Videos page