Set up your Potion and Zapier integration
Use the Zapier App Directory to find and establish your connection with Potion.
Go to “+Create Zap” and select the trigger that is appropriate for you.
Next move to Account → +Connect a New Account.
Provide Zapier access to your Potion account.
Login to your Potion account
Visit your personal profile (note this must be the profile that you want alerts about, if you’re managing this on behalf of a team you’ll need to repeat these steps for each unique profile)
Navigate to Your personal API token then click “Generate New Token”
Copy the token to your clipboard
Go to your Zapier account
Complete the ‘test step’ by hitting Continue with selected record
At this point you have setup Zapier to retrieve information from Potion.
That's it - Now that Potion is Connected to Zapier you're ready to build these automations!
How to automate video generation using Zapier
Select Create Zap in Zapier
Consider what you want to be the trigger - Your trigger will be the event that you want to kick off the video generation process for a contact.
You'll need to have a minimum of either [Contact First Name + Email Address] OR [Contact First Name + Linkedin Profile]
If you intend to include a custom background you'll also need their website (you can usually grab this from their email and our example covers how to do this using Zapier)
Select your App that contains the trigger event: We're using Hubspot for our example.
Select add a step
Select Potion
Select your Event
Select the Potion Profile you want to generate the video
Copy the video ID from the video you want to personalize
Navigate to the video you want to personalize in Potion
Select Share Your Video
Select Copy Video Template Link
Paste this into your browser - You'll see something that looks like this
The URL you see will follow this format
For example:
Select the portion of the URL after your and copy this value.
Paste your video id into the the *Template Video ID field
Populate the data source for each of the inputs Potion Needs
The three fields below Template Video ID (shown below) Map to the CSV columns of the Add More Prospects PageAdd more Prospects Page
Select Continue and complete any testing steps
Select Publish
Make sure your Zap is toggled on
That's it! - You've just automated video generation!
Want to confirm it's working? - A video should already be processing due to the Zapier test step. To confirm this worked go to the video template page in Potion and search for the email address of the test contact. If you can't see the test contact go to the Trigger Step in Zapier -> Select Test from the right hand menu.
In Potion if you search the name list from the video template page you will see the name is in the queue, processing, or completed.
How to receive a slack notification when someone watches your video using Zapier
First, you'll need to connect Potion with Zapier which can be done by completing steps 1-5 in this article.
Select Create Zap
Select a Trigger from the editor and then search for Potion
Select the account (person who's video you want notifications for) from your available accounts.
If you don't see the account you're looking for, select +Connect a new account. For more instruction follow steps from earlier in this article on new account setup
Copy the video ID from the video you want notifications for
Navigate to the video you want to receive notifications for views on.
Select Share Your Video
Select Copy Video Template Link
Paste this into your browser - You'll see something that looks like this
The URL you see will follow this format
For example:
Select the portion of the URL after your and copy this value.
Paste your video id into the the *Template Video ID field
SelectContinue with selected record
Create an Action → Search for the App you want the action to take place in. For our example, we'll be using Slack.
Select the Event you want to take place.
Provide Zapier access to Slack
Define your Action
Channel* = What channel you want your notifications to appear in
Message Text = What you want to say in the message. You can use the Insert Data buttons to input info from Potion. The following three pieces of information are highly recommended to include in your message:
Action = What the prospect did (watched, clicked on CTA button etc)
Video Link = Which video they watched
Prospect Email = Who watched the video
Test & Publish!
To test if this worked go to the channel you selected in Slack and confirm that your message appeared!
By following these steps and leveraging the power of Zapier, you can now receive automatic Slack notifications whenever someone watches your Potion video. This allows you to stay informed about viewer engagement and potentially take further action, like reaching out to interested prospects. If you encounter any difficulties or prefer a more hands-off approach, don't hesitate to contact the Potion team for assistance.
This guide has equipped you with the foundational knowledge to connect Zapier with your Potion account. You've learned how to navigate the Zapier interface, establish a connection with Potion, and authenticate your account. With this foundation in place, you're now prepared to explore the exciting world of Zaps and unlock the potential for automating various tasks within your workflow.
If you would like assistance from our team, please reach out to